Bag the perfect A-Level Atlas this Back to School.A new, fully updated edition of this bestselling atlas of the world. Great value and contains all the world maps you need in a budget atlas, for family, study and business use.Explore our planet;¿ Clear maps giving balanced worldwide coverage¿ Key statistics and flags for every country of the world¿ World time zones maps¿ Discover more than 10,000 placesMapping updates include; ¿ Country name changes ¿ Czechia (formerly Czech Republic),Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) and North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia)¿ Extensive place name changes in New Zealand, Myanmar and Ukraine¿ Changes to capital cities in Burundi, Chad, Eswatini, Kazakhstan and Kiribati¿ Railways in France, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Motorways in UK and Ireland¿ New rail and road bridge across Kerch Strait¿ Everest height updated to 8,849m / 29,032ft