<b>How to Reduce Code Complexity and Develop Software More Sustainably</b><br><blockquote> "Mark Seemann is well known for explaining complex concepts clearly and thoroughly. In this book he condenses his wide-ranging software development experience into a set of practical, pragmatic techniques for writing sustainable and human-friendly code. This book will be a must-read for every programmer." <br>-- <i>Scott Wlaschin, author of </i>Domain Modeling Made Functional </blockquote><i><b>Code That Fits in Your Head</b></i> offers indispensable, practical advice for writing code at a sustainable pace and controlling the complexity that causes projects to spin out of control. <br><br>Reflecting decades of experience helping software teams succeed, Mark Seemann guides you from zero (no code) to deployed features and shows how to maintain a good cruising speed as you add functionality, address cross-cutting concerns, troubleshoot, and optimize. You''ll find valuable ideas, practices, and proce