Most coaches today see their role as mainly non-directive, helping to uncover their coachee''s own wisdom. However, coaches may unwittingly and unconsciously constrain what their coachees talk and think about, getting in the way of unique, self-generated solutions. Clean Coaching provides a different, simple yet highly effective approach to one-to-one facilitation. It is a style, strategy and set of techniques that help coachees gain insight and make changes through discovering more about their own ''insider'' perspective: of themselves and the world around them. Through the use of specifically-phrased, structured coaching questions, the coach''s own biased perspectives are stripped from their language, ensuring the coachee''s unique personal experience is honoured. <P></P><P>In <I>Clean Coaching, </I>Angela Dunbar explains how this approach works in practical terms, with descriptions of how to structure a Clean Coaching session and the steps to take within such a session. The book giv