Civilisation and Authenticity av Eugenia Demuro



The question ¿What is Latin America?¿ has been at the heart of writing from and about Latin America from Columbus¿ conquest to present-day discussions and nationalising projects. What this belies is the inherent question ¿What is Latin America compared to Europe?¿ This book lays bare the underlying logic of a Latin Americanist discourse through some of the continent¿s most influential thinkers, including Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Jos¿art¿Jos¿nrique Rod¿, Jos¿asconcelos, Fernando Ortiz, Roberto Fern¿ez Retamar, N¿or Garc¿Canclini, and Walter Mignolo. <BR><I>Civilisation and Authenticity</I> presents case studies of two of Latin America¿s most renowned and representative twentieth-century writers, the Cuban Alejo Carpentier and the Argentine Julio Cort¿r and reveals how desire to define Latin America is entwined throughout their groundbreaking experimental novels, focusing on Carpentier¿s <I>Los pasos perdidos</I> (1953) and Cort¿r¿s <I>Rayuela</I> (1963). New research into the poetics

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