Cilia: From Mechanisms to Disease-Part B



<p><i>Cilia: From Mechanisms to Disease Part B, Volume 176</i> of the <i>Methods in Cell Biology</i> series, presents interesting chapters on topics such as The challenge of dissecting gene function in model organisms: tools to characterize genetic mutants and assess transcriptional adaptation in zebrafish, Human LUHMES and NES cells as models for studying primary cilia in neurons, Fixation methods and immunolabeling for cilia proteins in ciliary and extraciliary locations, Single-molecule imaging in the primary cilium, Methods to analyze primary cilia in mouse cardiac lesion model, Methods to study motile ciliated cell types in a zebrafish brain mode, and more.</p><p>Other sections cover Clinical and Molecular diagnosis in BBS (Bardet-Biedl syndrome), Modeling ciliopathies in patient-derived primary cells, Analysis of motility and mucociliary function of tracheal epithelial cilia, High-speed Super-resolution SPEED Microscopy to study Live Primary Cilium, Methods for siRNA delivery in

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