<b>Chemometrics and Numerical Methods in LIBS</b><p><b>A practical guide to the application of chemometric methods to solve qualitative and quantitative problems in LIBS analyses</b><p><i>Chemometrics and Numerical Methods in LIBS</i>, delivers an authoritative and practical exploration of the use of advanced chemometric methods to laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) cases. The book discusses the fundamentals of chemometrics before moving on to solutions that can be applied to data analysis methods. It is a concise guide designed to help readers at all levels of knowledge solve commonly encountered problems in the field. <p>The book includes three sections: LIBS information simplification, LIBS classification, and quantitative analysis by LIBS. Each section of the book is divided into a description of relevant techniques and practical examples of its applications. Contributors to this edited volume are the most recognized international experts on the chemometric techniques rele