<p><span><b>From beloved Congolese comics creator Barly Baruti and Belgian comics critic Thierry Bellefroid, t</b></span><b>ranslated from the original French by Batchelder Award-winning translator Ivanka Hahnenberger</b></p><p><b><span>A Harlem gangster’s trip to Central Africa to attend the legendary 1974 Ali-Foreman "Rumble in the Jungle" boxing match becomes a one-way ticket to the seedy underground of Zaire—complete with espionage, murder, and a communist plot to overthrow Zaire''s infamous President Mobutu.</span></b><span></span></p><p></p><p><span>When Ernest, a low-level gangster from Harlem, wins tickets to travel to Zaire to attend the "Rumble in the Jungle," the now-legendary bout between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman, he’s eager to reconnect with his African roots and escap