<b>A somatic counselor offers tools for developing a deeper, more awakened relationship with your body through sensation, breath, and movement</b><br><br> As a foundation for a contemplative life, the body can both literally and metaphorically help us wake up. Breathing, sensing, and moving—the ways we know our body—carry tremendous contemplative potential, and yet, we so often move through our days unaware of or in conflict with our physical selves.<br> <br> In <i>Bodyfulness</i>, renowned somatic counselor Christine Caldwell offers a practical guide for living an embodied contemplative life, embracing whatever body we are in. Each chapter offers insights and practices that help us recover our lost physical wisdom—to integrate our bodies with mindfulness, to deal with emotions, and to develop attuned relationships. <i>Bodyfulness</i> inspires us to reclaim a body-centered contemplative life and challenges us to harness our potential to effect social and personal