<b><i>Blockchain Radicals</i> uncovers the radical political potential of the blockchain, showing how it can be used by the left in the fight against capitalism.</b><br><br>The blockchain is often understood only in its simplistic relationship to financial speculation and marketed as a way to onboard potential customers into the crypto economy. But what if it held a more radical potential that was waiting to be unlocked?<br><br>By moving past simply equating the blockchain with cryptocurrency and instead trying to understand what these tools do and how they work, <i>Blockchain Radicals</i> shows how the blockchain can be used by a left that is in need of new ideas in its struggle to create a better world for all. Steering between boosters on the right and cynics on the left, it shows us how the blockchain is a space where new post-capitalist strategies and collectives are already emerging.<br><br>Questioning all the assumptions we have about currencies, markets, information, politics,