<P>Widely acclaimed upon its release as a future classic, Denis Villeneuve¿s <I>Blade Runner 2049</I> is visually stunning, philosophically profound, and a provocative extension of the story in Ridley Scott¿s <I>Blade Runner</I>. Containing specially commissioned chapters by a roster of international contributors, this fascinating collection explores philosophical questions that abound in <I>Blade Runner 2049, </I>including:</P><UL><LI>What distinguishes the authentically "human" person?</LI><LI>How might natality condition one¿s experience of being-in-the-world?</LI><LI>How might shared memories feature in the constitution of personal identities?</LI><LI>What happens when created beings transcend the limits intended in their design?</LI><LI><P>What (if anything) is it like to be a hologram?</P></LI></UL><UL><LI><P>Can artificial beings participate in genuinely romantic relationships?</P></LI><LI>How might developing artificial economics impact our behaviour as prosumers?</LI><LI>What