<p><b>An exploration of the Black Moon Lilith placement in astrology¿a widely searched yet underserved topic¿that reclaims the misunderstood archetype of Lilith and shows you how to use her energy for empowerment and transformation.</b><br><br><i>Black Moon Lilith Rising</i> is unlike any other astrology book out there on multiple fronts: it is a comprehensive exploration of the placement of Lilith in astrology, it¿s a deep exploration into the misunderstood myth and archetype of Lilith, and it incorporates shadow work and spiritual alchemy.<br><br> The book begins with an ode to Lilith, anecdotal stories surrounding the author¿s experience with the energy, the history, and mythology behind the Lilith archetype. Lilith has been demonized, known as the first rebellious, disobedient woman, but in fact she is a powerful, sovereign being. By untwisting the truth about her energy, the world can heal the suppressed feminine, balance the power dynamic, and ascend.<br><br> It details how Black