<P>Written in a versatile, contemporary style that will benefit both novice and expert alike, <STRONG>Biological and Biomedical Coatings Handbook, Two-Volume Set</STRONG> covers the state of the art in the development and implementation of advanced thin films and coatings in the biological field. </P><br/><br/><P>Consisting of two volumes¿<EM>Processing and Characterization</EM> and <EM>Applications</EM>¿this handbook details the latest understanding of advances in the design and performance of biological and biomedical coatings, covering a vast array of material types, including bio-ceramics, polymers, glass, chitosan, and nanomaterials. Contributors delve into a wide range of novel techniques used in the manufacture and testing of clinical applications for coatings in the medical field, particularly in the emerging area of regenerative medicine. </P><br/><br/><P>An exploration of the fundamentals elements of biological and biomedical coatings, the first volume, <EM>Processing and Cha