<p><b>Learn Danish with this complete course, now with free audio download!</b></p><p>Danish is a North Germanic language spoken by 6 million people worldwide, primarily in Denmark, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and northern parts of Germany.</p><p><strong>Ideal for those new to Danish, learning at home or in the classroom, <strong><em>Beginner¿s Danish with Online Audio</em></strong> includes:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>An introductory section on geography, economy, arts, culture and history entitled ¿Denmark and the Danes¿ that will be useful to visitors</strong></li><li><strong>Thirteen carefully-paced units, each one opening with a dialogue about an everyday topic such as greetings, family, athletics, dining, medical issues, holidays and celebrations, followed by vocabulary, grammar lessons, and exercises</strong></li><li><strong>Answer key to the exercises</strong></li><li><strong>Danish-English and English-Danish glossaries</strong></li><li><strong>Online MP3 audio files for free