<P><STRONG>Becoming a Supervisor</STRONG> tells the story of Trevor who works as one of the production team in a small company that makes toy boats. He is thrust into the role of supervisor unexpectedly when his general manager reacts to his constant suggestions of how things could be better. When the GM becomes ill, Trevor struggles to take up the slack for several months until a new GM arrives. The core of the book follows Trevor''s growth under the coaching of Julie, his new GM. As Trevor deals with one challenge after another, Julie guides him on a journey to learn the core skills needed by all front-line leaders.</P><P>The reader takes away four key ideas: (1) Front-line leadership skills are not too complicated to learn. (2) These skills are something that they can develop in themselves, regardless of what their organization does. (3) Tools and skills are there to help solve real business problems; implementing the tools is not a strategy. (4) In your ro