<b>The Dark Knight embarks on a global adventure!</b><br><br>Batman takes on an old foe outside of the Gotham City limits when the Riddler''s theft of a Fabergé egg leads the Dark Knight thousands of miles away in search of answers. When the immortal super-villain Vandal Savage joins forces with the Riddler, Batman is transported to the Old West and meets the original owner of the egg, gunslinger Jonah Hex!<br> <br>Along with Jonah, the Dark Knight teams up with fellow heroes including Green Arrow and Green Lantern on a quest to find the Riddler and crack the egg''s dangerous power. But will these superheroes get the edge over the most brilliant villain Batman has ever faced? Or will the Riddler''s nefarious scheme run its course exactly as the clever criminal planned? <br> <br>Find out in <i>Batman: Universe</i>! From the stellar creative team of legendary writer Brian Michael Bendis (<i>Superman</i>) and fan-favorite artist Nick Derington (<i>Doom Patrol</i>), t