<p>Build the foundation you need to confidently communicate with your healthcare team! <b>Basic Medical Language, 7th Edition </b>makes it easy to master the medical terminology needed for success in the health professions. This concise text helps you learn and recognize hundreds of medical terms by introducing the suffixes, prefixes, and combining forms used in building words. Brief, illustrated lessons present terms by body system, and include exercises that ask you to build, define, and read commonly used medical terms. From an expert writing team led by Danielle LaFleur Brooks, this book includes realistic case studies and an Evolve website that simplifies learning with animations, activities, games, quizzes, and more.</p><ul><b><li>Emphasis on frequently used medical terms</b> includes words and abbreviations used in clinical settings, billing, and coding.</li><li><b>Systemic presentation of medical terms</b> helps you learn and recognize new words by body system, and are followed