"With astringent understatement and wry economy, with nuance and intelligence and an enviable command of syntax and poetic line, Victoria Chang dissects the venerable practices of cultural piety and self-regard. She is a master of the thumbnail narrative. She can wield a dark eroticism. She is determined to tackle subject matter that is not readily subdued to the proportions of lyric. Her talent is conspicuous."¿Linda Gregerson<BR>"Chang''s voice is equal parts searing, vulnerable, and terrified."¿<em>American Poets</em><BR><In>Barbie Chang</em>, Victoria Chang explores racial prejudice, sexual privilege, and the disillusionment of love through a reimagining of Barbie¿perfect in the cultural imagination yet repeatedly falling short as she pursues the American dream.<BR>This energetic string of linked poems is full of wordplay, humor, and biting social commentary involving the quote-unquote speaker, Barbie Chang, a disillusioned Asian-American suburbanite. By turns woeful and passio