Autonomous Positioning of Piezoactuated Mechanism for Biological Cell Puncture av Mingyang (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics China)



<P><STRONG>Autonomous Positioning of Piezoactuated Mechanism for Biological Cell Puncture</STRONG> gives a systematic and almost self-contained description of the many facets of advanced design, optimization, modeling, system identification, and advanced control techniques for positioning of the cell puncture mechanism with a piezoelectric actuator in micro/nanorobotics systems.</P><P></P><P>To achieve biomedical applications, reliability design, modeling, and precision control are essential for developing engineering systems. With the advances in mechanical design, dynamic modeling, system identification, and control techniques, it is possible to expand the advancements in reliability design, precision control, and quick actuation of micro/nanomanipulation systems to the robot¿s applications at the micro- and nanoscales, especially for biomedical applications.</P><P></P><P>This book unifies existing and emerging techniques concerning advanced design, modeling, and advanced control met

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