<p>Attempts on her Life <b>17 scenarios for the theatre</b><br>by Martin Crimp <br><i>Attempts to describe her? <br>Attempts to destroy her? <br>Or attempts to destroy herself? <br>Is Anne the object of violence? <br>Or its terrifying practitioner?</i><br>Martin Crimps <i>17 scenarios for the theatre</i>, shocking and hilarious by turn, are a rollercoaster of late 20th-century obsessions. From pornography and ethnic violence, to terrorism and unprotected sex, its strange array of nameless characters attempt to invent the perfect story to encapsulate our time. <br>Since its premiere 10 years ago, Attempts on her Life has been translated into more than 20 languages. This is its first major UK revival. Attempts on her Life <b>17 scenarios for the theatre</b><br>by Martin Crimp</p>