Join some children on their trip to the fun fair in this low-level phonics reading book.Part of Reading Stars Phonics - our structured programme of 133 fully decodable phonics readers to support the teaching of phonics using the UK Government''s Letters and Sounds programme - At the Fun Fair is a Phase 3 ''All-In'' book.It covers all the letters, sounds and high frequency words introduced in Letters and Sounds Phase 3. As well as being available to buy individually, this title appears in the following discounted Reading Stars Phonics (RSP) Packs:Phase 3 All-In Pack - one of every Phase 3 All-In titlePhase 3 All-In 6-Pack - six of every Phase 3 All-In titleComplete Phase 3 Pack - one of every Phase 3 titleComplete Phase 3 6-Pack - six of every Phase 3 titleComplete RSP Pack (Phases 2-5) - one of every RSP title (Phases 2-5)Complete RSP 6-Pack (Phases 2-5) - six of every RSP title (Phases 2-5)Complete RSP Pack (Phases 1-5) - one of every RSP title (Phases 1-5)Complete RSP 6-Pack (Phases