<b>ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH METHODS</b><p><b>ARCHITECTURE/GENERAL</b><p><b>A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO RESEARCH FOR ARCHITECTS AND DESIGNERS¿NOW UPDATED AND EXPANDED!</b><p>From searching for the best glass to prevent glare to determining how clients might react to the color choice for restaurant walls, research is a crucial tool that architects must master in order to effectively address the technical, aesthetic, and behavioral issues that arise in their work. <p>This book¿s unique coverage of research methods is specifically targeted to help professional designers and researchers better conduct and understand research. Part I explores basic research issues and concepts, and includes chapters on relating theory to method and design to research. Part II gives a comprehensive treatment of specific strategies for investigating built forms. In all, the book covers seven types of research, including historical, qualitative, correlational, experimental, simulation, logical argumentation, and case st