- Introduction. - <b>Part A Concepts of Arakelov Geometry.</b> - Chapter I: Arithmetic Intersection. - Chapter II: Minima and Slopes of Rigid Adelic Spaces. - Chapter III : Introduction aux th¿¿s de Hilbert-Samuel arithm¿ques. - Chapter IV: Euclidean Lattices, Theta Invariants, and Thermodynamic Formalism. - <b>Part B Distribution of Rational Points and Dynamics.</b> - Chapter V: Beyond Heights: Slopes and Distribution of Rational Points. - Chapter VI: On the Determinant Method and Geometric Invariant Theory. - Chapter VII: Arakelov Geometry, Heights, Equidistribution, and the Bogomolov Conjecture. - Chapter VIII : Autour du th¿¿ de Fekete-Szeg?o. - Chapter IX: Some Problems of Arithmetic Origin in Rational Dynamics. - <b>Part C Shimura Varieties.</b> - Chapter XI: The Arithmetic Riemann-Roch Theorem and the Jacquet-Langlands Correspondence. - Chapter XII: The Height of CM Points on Orth