<P>The <I>Extending Knowledge and Skills </I>series is a fresh approach to A Level Psychology, designed for greater demands of the new AQA specification and assessment, and especially written to stretch and challenge students aiming for higher grades.</P><P>Dealing with the optional topic of AQA¿s <STRONG>Paper 3:</STRONG><B>Schizophrenia</B>, this book is deliberately laid out with the assessment objectives in mind, from <STRONG>AO1: Knowledge and understanding material</STRONG>, followed by <STRONG>AO2: Application material</STRONG>, to <STRONG>AO3: Evaluation and analysis material</STRONG>. Providing the most in-depth, accessible coverage available of individual topics in Paper 3, the text is packed full of pedagogical features, including:</P><UL><B><P><LI>Question Time</B> features to ensure that the reader is consistently challenged throughout the book.</LI><P></P><B><P><LI>New research</B> sections clearly distinct within each chapter to ensure readers have access to the most cut