<p><b>Everyone knows about Anne Frank, and her life hidden in the secret annexe - or do they?</b><br><b>Peter van Pels and his family are locked away in there with the Franks, and Peter sees it all differently. He''s a boy, and for a boy it''s just not the same. What is it like to be forced into hiding with Anne Frank, to hate her and then find yourself falling in love with her? To know you''re being written about in her diary, day after day? What''s it like to sit and wait and watch whilst others die, and you wish you were fighting?</b><br><b>How can Anne and Peter try to make sense of one of the most devastating episodes in recent history - the holocaust?</b><br><b>Anne''s diary ends on August 4 1944, but Peter''s story takes us on, beyond their betrayal and into the Nazi death camps. He details with accuracy, clarity and compassion, the reality of day to day survival in Auschwitz - and the terrible conclusion.</b><br><b>It''s a story rooted firmly in history and it asks a question o