<B>Learn that even animals have best friends in this follow-up to The Not Bad Animals.</B><BR/><BR/> Someone that’s always there for them through thick and thin, to help them out with all of the usual things that friends do. You know, like picking ticks off your back, letting you know when a lion is about to make you its dinner and helping you hunt down some tasty prey.<BR/> <BR/> The animal kingdom is full of odd couples that prove that <B>sometimes it’s better to be together! </B>Like the rhino and the African Oxpecker, the coyote and the badger, and the crocodile and the plover bird.<BR/> <BR/> This<B> funny and informative book </B>is a great way to teach your kids about some of the more interesting partnerships in the natural world, with<B> pop out fact boxes</B> and <B>hilarious illustrations.</B><BR/><BR/> Uncover some unlikely friendships from the world of animals and discover how creatures get through every day with a little help from their friend