<b><i>An Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics</i></b> aspires to provide the reader with an intermediate knowledge on stars whilst focusing mostly on the explanation of the functioning of stars by using basic physical concepts and observational results. <p>The book is divided into seven chapters, featuring both core and optional content:</p><ul><li>Basic concepts</li><li>Stellar Formation</li><li>Radiative Transfer in Stars</li><li>Stellar Atmospheres</li><li>Stellar Interiors</li><li>Nucleosynthesis and Stellar Evolution and</li><li>Chemically Peculiar Stars and Diffusion.</li></ul><p>Student-friendly features include:</p><ul><li>Detailed examples to help the reader better grasp the most important concepts</li><li>A list of exercises is given at the end of each chapter and answers to a selection of these are presented.</li><li>Brief recalls of the most important physical concepts needed to properly understand stars.</li><li>A summary for each chapter</li><li>Optional and advanced sect