<DIV> When anxiety threatens to derail a homeschooled girl''s attempt to make new friends, she finds support in an unlikely source . . . a herd of adorable alpacas!<P></P>To some kids, Amelia''s life sounds like the ultimate fantasy. She and her brothers are homeschooled by their adventurous parents, and the family travels around the country in an RV, scaling mountains, rappelling down canyons, and skiing down double black diamond slopes.There''s just one problem -- Amelia didn''t inherit the family''s daredevil gene. She''s terrified of heights and would give anything to be reading instead of careening down a mountain. She''s also desperate for the chance to attend a regular school and make real friends. So when her parents decide to temporarily move to Colorado, Amelia''s delighted by the chance to settle down.However, starting at a conventional school is much harder than Amelia imagined, and her anxiety makes meeting new friends extra challenging. Everything about her feels wrong, f