Leslie Kenton''s Age Power turns our once negative view of ageing on its head. There has never been a more exciting time to live and now science and nature have come together to enhance health and improve your quality of life, no matter what your chronological age. This major new book, from the bestselling author of Passage to Power and The X Factor Diet, is an immensely practical and inspirational handbook that offers a unique and very positive perspective on the ageing process. From serotonin enhancers for handling depression and anxiety, to natural hormones for nurturing skin, smart nutrients that improve brain function and immune improvers that protect against illness and ageing, Age Power invites you to energize your life while gaining powerful protection from degenerative conditions such as cancer, heart disease and macular (eyesight) degeneration. Bringing together all the very latest in ageing research, along with the very best natural resources, Age Power will define how we ap