Published by the American College of Sports Medicine, <B>ACSM's Fitness Assessment Manual</B> builds on the standards established in <I>ACSM’S Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, </I>11th Edition<I>.</I> With a focus on assessment, this new 6th edition is organized by component of fitness: body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility; and by type of testing: maximal and submaximal exercise testing, ECG, and metabolic calculations.<BR/> <BR/> Updated coverage throughout in a user-friendly format, makes this an essential resource for those studying to enter the fitness and rehabilitation fields, as well as those already working who need to align their practice to industry standards. <ul><li><B>New and revised content throughout</B>, including new chapters on metabolic calculations and electrocardiography, reflects the latest standards published in <I>ACSM’S Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription</I>, 11th Editio