<p><strong>A medieval house, a dead body and some rather suspicious chocolate fudge? Call for Lady Swift! </strong></p><p><strong>Autumn, 1920</strong>. <strong>Lady Eleanor Swift</strong>, accidental amateur detective and retired explorer, is determined to take a break from investigating murders. So when a local politician dies suddenly at an elegant dinner party at Farrington Manor, she tries her hardest not to listen to the raft of rumours around the village that he might have been poisoned by the fudge. It’s the anniversary of the disappearance of her beloved parents and she’s promised herself not to get mixed up with any more mysteries. She isn’t sure they’d have approved. </p><p>But when she arrives home to discover that <strong>Mrs Pitkin</strong>, the kindly cook from Farrington Manor, has been dismissed without wage or reference because the police consider her a suspect, Eleanor knows she needs to act. If there was a murder, then she needs to trac