<p><b>Discover the story of the world''s deadliest war. </b><br><br><br>Combining expert historical insight with accounts of combatants and civilians, this important book offers a brilliant summary of the most important military, strategic, and political events across all theatres. <br><br><br>The fighting is brought to life with profiles of key military and political figures, together with features on decisive campaigns, turning points, and technological innovations. <br><br><br>Examine how deep-seated local fears and hatreds escalated into one vast global conflict that was fought out to the bitter end - from the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party to Pearl Harbor, the D-Day landings, and Hiroshima. <br><br><br>Richly illustrated with a wealth of original artefacts, weaponry and equipment, photography, and maps, this unique combination of image and narrative provides the most accessible, episode-by-episode account ever.</p>