<div>In Renaissance Italy, Bianca, a young lady from a good family, is ofmarriage age. Her parents find her a fianc¿o their liking: Giovanni, arich merchant, young and pleasant. The wedding looks set to go smoothly eventhough Bianca can''t hide her disappointment at having to marry a man she knowsnothing about.<br><br>But before the marriage, she learns the secret held andbequeathed by the women of her family for generations: a "man''s skin"! Bydonning it, Bianca becomes "Lorenzo" and enjoys all the attributes of a youngman of stunning beauty. She can now visit the world of men incognito and get toknow her fianc¿n his natural environment. In her male skin, Biancafrees herself from the limits imposed on women and discovers love andsexuality.<br><br>The moral of the Renaissance then acts as a mirror to that ofour century and poses several questions: why should women have a differentsexuality from that of men? Why should their pleasure and freedom be the objectof contempt and coercion? Fi