<b><i>''A clear, helpful and refreshingly honest book which explains SEND from top to bottom. I would highly recommend this book'' - </i>Kim Griffin, Occupational Therapist, GriffinOT, @Griffin_OT</b>This book is designed to give every Early Years practitioner the confidence to support children with special educational needs and disabilities. It covers how to <b>define SEND</b> and use <b>inclusive language</b>, how to <b>build and implement inclusion policies</b> and <b>communicate these to parents and carers</b>, how to <b>prepare for</b><b>transition</b>, and much more. With a whole-team approach and commitment from both practitioners and key persons as well as SENDCos, Kerry Murphy strongly believes we have the potential to create truly inclusive Early Years settings.<i>A Guide to SEND in the Early Years</i> dispels common myths around SEND and offers clear, concise and practical ways to translate theory into practice, overcome challenges and support children with SEND. Written by