<P></P><P></P><P>Research Methodology is meant to provide a broad guideline to facilitate and steer the whole of a research activity in any discipline. With the ambit and amount of research increasing by the day, the need for Research Methodology is being widely appreciated. Against this backdrop, we notice the dearth of well-written books on the subject. </P><P></P><P><EM><STRONG>A Guide to Research Methodology</STRONG></EM> attempts a balance between the generic approach to research in any domain and the wide array of research methods which are to be used in carrying out different tasks in any research. Discussions on these research methods appropriate in various disciplines have focused on the research tasks, keeping in mind the fact that a single such task like a comparison among alternatives may involve several methods from seemingly distinct areas.</P><P></P><P>Unique features of this volume, as will be evident to a discerning reader, include:</P><UL><P><LI>A detailed discussion