<b>The viral video star behind Dude Dad offers a humorous and heartfelt guide to helping expectant fathers survive and thrive during the wild ride that is forty weeks of pregnancy.</b><br> <br>Numerous apps and books exist to help expectant parents understand their baby’s development by comparing their unborn child to a raspberry or a stalk of broccoli, but Taylor Calmus takes issue with that. First off, your baby is not some wimpy little vegetable. Your baby is a hardcore little lug nut who is straight-up growing organs on a weekly basis. Second, how big is a stalk of broccoli? And what the heck is a kumquat? Clearly this situation calls for a better approach. Enter . . . <i>A Dude’s Guide to Baby Size</i>.<br> <br>• <b>At week nine,</b> your little shredder resembles the circumference of a guitar pick.<br>• <b>At week twenty-four,</b> your budding jalapeño is the size of some concession-stand nachos.<br>• <b>By week thirty-four,</b> your lit