<P>This user-friendly manual provides a cross-cultural psychological assessment battery, including projective methods. Authors outline a new, empirically validated, reliable system, which seeks to update the scoreable and interpretable factors and entwine commonly respected ¿tried and true¿ graphomotor tests, thereby maximizing their efficacy in the assessment of significant psychological traits in children and adults.</P><P></P><P>Because of its use as a gender fair, culture free, language free testing method, it will be a valuable asset in all areas of current psychological assessment. The CCPAB test takes approximately 20 to 40 minutes to administer, and does not require any administration materials that most practitioners would not have readily available. The CCPAB can be used by evaluators on its own or in conjunction with other psychological and neuropsychological test data, as well as by mental health treatment providers seeking a quick and accurate way to assess the psychologic