Founded in 1935 by William Lyons, the car company that would be called Jaguar after the Second World War soon became established as a manufacturer of innovative, high-performance sports cars. In this book, motoring expert Ray Hutton reveals the full inside story of Jaguar, not only through its cars but also the personalities and changes of ownership that accompanied Jaguar through the years. From the competitive success of the early SS sports cars and the launch of the Jaguar XK120 car and engine in 1948, through the stunning arrival of the Jaguar E-Type, icon of the swinging sixties, the range of sporting saloons such as the 2.4 and S-Type and the launch of what became the definitive Jaguar for twenty years in the form of the XJ6, Jaguar continued to be a byword for quality and exceptional performance.As this book shows, Jaguar also had to navigate the tight bends of changing ownership against the backdrop of industrial unrest in the British motoring industry. While other famous Briti