<p>Containing everything needed to teach beginning skills such as imitation, visual spatial awareness, expressive and receptive language skills and skills of daily living, this comprehensive ABA curriculum has been developed for individuals on the autism spectrum with a developmental age of approximately 3-5 years. <br><br>Evidence-based, the resource guides instructors step-by-step through using ABA to teach over 140 beginning skills. The program can be individualized to meet the needs and interests of the individual, and instructions are given on how to do this. The accompanying online downloadable content contains the teaching materials needed to implement the program, including over 1000 color picture cards, handy printable copies of the curriculum programs, data forms and checklists. The authors also provide guidance on creating an effective ABA teaching environment, as well as a wealth of practical teaching strategies for ensuring therapy success.<br><br>This is an unparalleled r