<p>Peter Kingsley''s <em>Book of Life</em> is the culmination and completion of an extraordinary body of work. As a historian he has revolutionized our understanding of ancient philosophy and religion; as a mystic, he introduced us to what philosophy and religion are meant to be.</p><p>Hauntingly personal, almost autobiographical, this is not the story of one man''s life. It''s the secret story of us all. Beyond scepticism and cynicism, belief or imagination, <em>A Book of Life</em> offers a roadmap to reality by showing how it still is possible to experience the sacred truths our ancestors knew and lived -- that inside every human being lies the universe and that life itself, in all its splendour, is what lies behind our tiny lives.</p><p>This little book is a wide open door into the timeless magic and unfathomable mystery our modern world has managed to forget. Even so, to encourage anyone to read it now would be totally wrong -- because it was written to be read not by people today