<i><b>"While the concept of living in the moment seems simple, the reality is often entirely different as our minds chatter and fret and rarely stand still. Fortunately, Ernst Bohlmeijer and Monique Hulsbergen have written a clear and reassuring guide to mindfulness and ACT, with illuminating exercises and a wealth of information about how our minds work. But more than this, it''s also a guide to living a more contented life, as the reader is encouraged to search out and live a life guided by their most deeply-held values. It''s an uplifting read."</b><br>Rebecca Alexander, executive coach, </i>The Coaching Studio<i> and Contributing Editor, </i>Psychologies<i><p><b>"Ernst and Monique have written a wonderful self-help guide. Full of interesting anecdotes, helpful case studies and useful techniques, this is a book which teaches us how to lead a more fulfilled life."</b><br>Dr Rick Norris, Consultant Psychologist and author of</i> Think Yourself Happy: the simple 6-stage programme to ch