<b>This poignant historical nonfiction book, about a polar bear that was gifted to King Henry III, beautifully shows the importance of respecting our natural world and its precious animals.</b><br><br><i>Long ago, when kings and queens ruled much of the world, the king of Norway gave the king of England a bear.</i><br> <br>Imagine a polar bear at ease in her natural arctic world, her only home--until trappers capture her and take her to the king of England.<br><br>Imagine a polar bear in her lonely new world, stuck in a cage. This small, enclosed space is her only home--until King Henry III decrees that she be brought to the Thames River every day to swim and fish.<br><br>Imagine now this same polar bear dipping a curious paw in the river water, then leaping in with a joyful splash. And it is here, in this unfamiliar, faraway land, in one small way, that she finds home once again.