<B><I>New York Times</I> Bestseller! Now with five additional documents and a new introduction, let Governor Jesse Ventura take you through the paperwork that the US government tried to keep secret from the world—JFK and Vietnam, chemical and biological warfare, Gulf War illness, warnings about 9/11, and more!</B><BR> <BR><BR>The official spin on numerous government programs is flat-out bullshit, according to Jesse Ventura. In this incredible collection of actual government documents, Jesse Ventura, the ultimate non-partisan truth-seeker, proves it beyond any doubt. He and bestselling author Dick Russell walk readers through sixty-three of the most incriminating programs to reveal what really happens behind the closed doors. Witness as he breaks open the vault, revealing the truth about<BR> :<BR><ul><li>The CIA’s top-secret program to control human behavior</li><li>Operation Northwoods—the military plan to hijack airplanes and blame it on Cuban terrorists</li><li