From the fall of the Roman Empire to the battle of Hastings, the early-mediaeval period is one of our most engaging historical eras. It covers the formation of the kingdoms and countries of Britain, the establishment of Christianity, Viking invaders and semi-mythical monarchs. Sometimes mischaracterised as the ¿Dark Ages¿, it was actually a time of tremendous advances in art, technology and trade.The fifty objects in this book are some of the most important and interesting archaeological finds illuminating this span of history. They include weaponry, horse fittings, hacksilver hoards and jewellery featuring the sinuous knotwork of the period¿s animal art, from the humblest of pins and brooches to the gold and garnet wonders of the Staffordshire Hoard. Each was found by a member of the public and reported to the Portable Antiquities Scheme, which has recorded over 1.5 million items in England and Wales. Through these objects and their stories, we can understand this fascinating and perh