Introduction Do you have skin in this game?.- Rule 1 Always ask why.- Rule 2 Be an intellectual and make your decisions about the mode.- Rule 3 Laugh like a Medusa and maintain the confidence of a mediocre white man.- Rule 4 Empowered groups have to be confident in their power to give some away.- Rule 5 Intellectual generosity is the foundation of scholarly life.- Rule 6 Simply because you work in a university does not mean you are an expert in higher education.- Rule 7 Freedom to read is more important than freedom of speech.- Rule 8 Be a leader rather than complain about leadership.- Rule 9 Teaching matters. Learning matters more.- Rule 10 Women are humans, citizens and fully formed people.- Rule 11 Respect the vulnerable, the sick, the dying and the dead.- Rule 12 Be the change you want to see.- Conclusion Our future is in the post.