100 Churches of Venice and the Lagoon is a photographic project started by Merizalde in 2014, alongside a broader body of work that began in the city in 2008. The color photographs in this book document religious temples from every "sestiere" of Venice, and the smaller towns of the Venetian lagoon. Starting in every neighborhood in the city, and navigating the Venetian lagoon-from Murano to Burano and Torcello, from Pellestrina to Chioggia, and deep into the northern lagoon to areas like Lio Piccolo, Mesole and beyond-he found and photographed their respective churches whether they remained in service or were deconsecrated or repurposed. Following their architectural similarities, the book presents a layout that favors the facade, relying on this subtle repetition for artistic sustenance and balance. A poignant essay by Marina Gasparini Lagrange provides an account tthat combines her personal experience as a former resident with a balanced historical perspective. 100 Churches of Venice